This week, WorkLife Law’s Deputy Director Liz Morris shared her expertise in the California State Assembly in support of AB 524: The Family Caregiver Anti-Discrimination Act. If passed, this reform would promote economic, gender, and health equity by ensuring that common life events, like becoming a parent or tending to a sick relative, don’t cause families to fall into poverty. Liz’s testimony focused on the bill’s impact on businesses, citing data from a 2021 WorkLife Law analysis showing that laws prohibiting discrimination against family caregivers provide clarity to employers and reduce litigation.
Already, WorkLife Law addresses injustices against family caregivers at a structural level through our state and local legislation models, research findings, and model workplace policies. We also provide direct support to workers through our free legal helplines that serve hundreds of workers every year. The Family Caregiver Anti-discrimination Act would move CA closer to an equitable workplace for all workers.