Practical Tools

Their business goals are in sight

Attorney Resources

The Center provides information for plaintiff and defense side attorneys on Family Responsibilities Discrimination. We also host an Attorney Network which assists member attorneys.


Two hipster managers working in the office. Small Business Owner.

Employer Best Practice Guides

Employers looking to minimize risk and avoid discrimination can learn from our best practice guides and model policies on Family Responsibilities Discrimination and related issues.


We need to find ways to keep growing like this

Model Policies

See what other employers or institutions are doing to support workplace diversity and avoid discrimination. Our model policies can be used as an example for institutional change agents looking to reform policies.


woman looking at P@W on her desktop

Resource Hub for Reproductive Health and Work

Our resource hub, Pregnant @ Work, provides resources and tools for employees, medical providers, employers, attorneys, and anyone else invested in the reproductive health of workers.


Portrait of a student  girl studying at library

The Pregnant Scholar

The Pregnant Scholar is the nation’s first and only legal resource center for pregnant and parenting students. We provide resources for students, postdocs, faculty, administrators, and others in institutions of higher education.



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